To the everyday love

Over the years

we have changed….

our relationship has grown

into something far from where we first started

we are no longer all consumed by sex or even intimacy

but the deeper undercurrents

imageperhaps it is important to note how

dealing a steady solid foundation has allowed us to settle down

how not taking the easy road when the going gets tough

has allowed us to trust ourselves, trust one another

to another level

has challenged us to overcome our fears

brought us up to journey new territory,

always making our own paths

how not giving up and perhaps even

being stubborn enough to continue

to push through

when there was no end in sight, no easy way out

has allowed us to find ourselves

repeatedly in those brilliant clearings where the sun breaks through

such rough, dense forest terrain

where we learn lessons bush wacking

and take delight in the sun spots

when all our hard work pays off.

life is not easy,

relationships take work.


Being persistent and having a little faith

in all I could not see

has led me here

and today I find we have a little ease

and a little humour

in the ordinary, the everyday things

For you


For you

I have so much to say

but words…

don’t find me the way they usually do.

I am touched by the little things,

the thoughtful gestures,

and our relationship defies everything:

all my expectations, my predictions of how this should go…

so every time

I fall a little more in love with the way we are,

every time I fall a little more in love with you

and for every time

we take the time,

spend our time

and come up wanting more

it makes me laugh