
Yesterday I watched

a nurse sit

in the dark main central desk

where there has been on unit clerk for two days

and call in a moral distress, burnout work safe claim.

That day I did my own share

of unit clerking

faxed off my own orders

called my own medivan

to transport a patient I planned to discharge the next day…

complicated and tenuous at best.

Then the next watch a nurse go home after seriously burning her hand

lover spilt coffee

exhausted, stressed and distracted as the floor worked short again…

Then in half an hour

over multiple phone calls

watched the discharge

I spent all day the day before setting up

so carefully as the pieces all had to line up

just so…

after the bedside nurse

told the confused patient

she was going home

then called the violent aggressive son

because the patient gave that nurse permission to do so

The son then verbally aggressively chewed out the nurse over the phone

then called the community

and did the same to them

then I got a call from the community home support nurse

then her manager

then my team lead

shut the whole thing down right quick

needing no convincing the CHWs needed protecting first and foremost.


After a chat with the enhanced discharge team CNL

wondering who told the son

to find out that

though we had tried to fly under the radar

the bedside nurse had done what she thought was right

in telling the patient

confused at best….

bedside nursing being a respiratory nurse, no geriatric seasoned nurse…

that she was going home with 3x8hr caregivers….

land it all came crashing down

like a house of cards.

Then later that day

probably feeling like she had done wrong

perhaps feeling guilty

and needing to blame someone…

striking out

demanding I tell the patient

who sure as heck wouldn’t remember later anyhoo

why she wasn’t going home…

while time was fading out

and I was in the way to see my MAID assessment patient

minutes ago up from emerg


all the pieces to

carry him through at home

over the next 10days between

the doc hot on my heels to assess him for MAID

and his ride out…

telling the nurse in th hall demanding I take time

to explain to the confused patient now clearly a long slow haul

out to LTC she was going nowhere…

Have a open, honest, easy, refreshing conversation

with the MAID patient

stop on my way to

casually chat with the confused patient

briefly explaining she would be staying with us for a bit

chatting a bit more about LTC

return to write up and fax off

the MAID patients community collateral

then chart the brief LTC patient conversation …to come in

next morning to an email

from my colleague that

the CNL and that bedside nurse

who crashed my discharge had requested

my colleague take over the file on the

crashed discharge




handed over the file

DBA done the day before

in the hour after it all fell apart

thinking only


the aggressive son

had been a threat over the phone

and not in person to some poor tiny lone

care aide in the community

land leave it at that.

Noting that when shit hits the fan

i revert to

charting furiously

multiple notes

date and time stamped


knowing only that in court

if it blows up

i wont recall much

and those date and time stamped notes

will be my only shelter

my only protection

and how yet again

and am criticized

for writing

too much….

fuck em

and I think

of this stressful job

how I have risen

to learn a new specialty

in short months

how burnout haunts me still

how the anger flares

and the brittle

fragile tears too

and how

it wont be long

before I walk away

from this profession for good

like so many

as the system

crumbles around us

every minute of every day

and the stress causes us

to turn on one another

The dark road and healing


Exhausted again

It is the short staffing

no unit clerk all day

a nurse comes in to do 4hrs as clerk

I laugh and announce

at least I am doing my piece

faxing pharmacy clerking my bit

to get a patient discharged for tomorrow.

Thinking how the unbridled anger finds me in waves

thinking how the grief does too.

How it has taken me a few days to face

poweforming a patient who didn’t last long out there

once the family cut the 3x8hr awakes

cut it Back to BID DOT meds only

after I spent a day back the beginning of last month on the phone

explaining to family who she was too cognitively impaired to be left alone

how the family didn’t seem to belief me

how they jerked us around


they’d arrange private care…

which when  pinned down to it over a few days phone calls

Came out they didn’t have the money….

how they have made consistently unsafe choices

for this vulnerable aggressive demented patient…

how I will now have to pin them down hard again

when they fail to sort things themselves again

waste more time…

reject help

reject the LTC bed offered at intolerable risk out there

that we all worked so damn hard to put together

land these days I take deep breaths

find something more

something else to do

try to be more self aware

try to let it go.

lately I am exhausted

emotionally drained

counselling modules

the hard break

that never is simple burnout

that cuts deep

running so far back

reading someone else’s story tonight

how the abuse caused PTSD

the mental break

when you work so hard

to keep a lid on it

and it is always there

always something

that is the straw that breaks you….

Knowing only that the anger that fuels me

is the other edge of grief

that cuts deep

like a blade deep

and there are reasons always

for why I want the stereotypical life

for a moment


I don’t trust enough

nor can I protect anyone from what life can ruin

leaving wreckage strewn….

“I’ve been crazy

couldn’t you tell

I threw stars at the stars

but the whole sky fell”

Learning positive social interactions

How could you enhance your relationships at work?

Smile more
Ask my colleagues about their day, their weekend, remember facts about them to help me better connect and show genuine caring and interested so that my relationships are stronger, my interactions more positive. This way people are more helpful and supportive of me and will assist me in learning more so that patents receive better care.
I need to toss away old assumptions that others do not like me, judge me and will go out of their way to hurt me.
I need to learn that people do honestly wish to put their best foot forward, be kind and supportive and helpful.
I need to come out of my walls up hurt shell and learn that because in another time interactions with humans was hurtful and nasty, that this is not the norm and not the case at present.
I need to remember to greet others with openness and positivity rather than old self protective habits of guardedness and suspicion of their motives when they act nicely or kindly.
Healing takes time.
For now I need to constantly remember to greet everyone with warmth, optimism and a smile and hope for the best


The exhausted


that comes after a long hard workout

is sweet peace

the only time

I find it….

sweet nothingness.

too to feel anything all

but the endorphin high

and that sense of well being

that is the absence

of anger

the absence

of trying to be


to anyone at all.


sitting here in the quiet

with a cup of hot tea

after a long shower

Listening to my current favourite song.


“urn these diamonds straight back into coal”

How it is

It has been a long week

one of mixed emotions

of steep learning

mulling over how it is.

Of depression and feeling as if I am going to cry

to pulling it together and learning much more

and carrying on.

Of resetting boundaries

of new discoveries

and finally

of feeling free.

Mulling over sexual freedom

emotional well being

how those are tied

of grieving for all that has gone

of letting go

of giving in

of ring met unexpectedly and supported

of being deeply respected

and loved


my needs truly are put first

without my asking…

and that stays with me

frees me

gone is the thought of having children

gone is feeling vulnerable

replaced is the empowered sense


feeling safe in love is many things.

Finding balance in life

is complicated

learning to set boundaries is difficult and new.

A day of being out in the sunshine

feels wonderful


digging in the dirt is soul soothing

harvesting garden chard and broccoli

is the delightful surprise it always is

of the unexpected

of the discovery.

The long walk along the water

a renewed sense of grounding.

coming home chilled

to do some baking and food prep

then unwind with a friend

to come back to

how far we have come

under intense work pressures and stress

to take joy from learning new things

to find excitement and possibilities

once again around us.

Perhaps that is what it is all about

Week of depression

It has been the last week

of office work

and it has been

a week of depression.

That violent demented patient

was finally terminally sedated

died today.

I will back on the floor Monday.

It has been a week

of wanting to cry

a week of being angry

a week

of doing counselling modules

a week of reflecting

a week of taking in the bitter fact

that I am cracked

near grinding my teeth

near swearing

wondering if this is it

if this is the end

if I will finally walk away

from this career,

now it doesn’t come all at once

it filters in slowly…

and the sickest things

still have me laughing

and I got the point that I could 

churn out a DBA real quick

or an IAR

and was reminded today

that dialysis patients really can’t think

We keep the dying body alive

and because it can still talk we call that life

but they can’t make a decision

existing in a haste of toxic bodily waste.

I gained an appreciation for

the financial clerk

for the long term care assessor’s job

for our admin

all the incredible things she does.

I took charge of ensuring our 

lunch rounds rooms were booked

I brought chocolate for team when they were buried deep in it

brutally short staffed

demoralized and drowning.

I asked others how they were



engaged and let that be therapy.

I laughed hard over the sick wreckage of the demented 

and their antics

so very fit for the shenanigans of LTC….

and I left

turning away from it all

withdrawing into

a previous me

sitting on the arm of the couch

near the fire

as we talked about our trauma

and finally out comes 

the cycle breaker of why he is no longer in any sexual relationship 

and it just took me a little longer

to go to extremes and come back down

to here

the space we were years before

and I’ve been crazy

couldn’t you tell?

And I am clearly the decks on 

my personal life

after a week full of sadness

a week near the end

where I am walking away 

out of a patient room

on the phone

talking to the boss

putting on a cheerful voice,

a calm collected one

telling her I am fine

I am ready to got back to work…


it will take so much more to fix me

knowing full well my trauma runs so much deeper

and that next break

I may require a padded room and a ton of medication

may not make it out

of that crash

and that

if I want to live

I am gonna have to work

so damn

hard to be measured and not

run up the edges

no push to the extremes

if I am to survived 

rather than depression and suicide.