relationships in life

  • You determine how you experience situations
  • blaming others steals your power for self determination
  • blaming others causes them to shut down, withdraw
  • You can shape and change how you see events, how you take control of how you experience life.
  • You create how you feel
  • The only thing you can change is you in terms of how you experience what happens in life.
  • Learning to set healthy boundaries is key to being healthy and free
  • Learning to express your feelings appropriately takes time
  • When learning something new we explore the outermost limits of that skill
  • when it comes to emotional expression that can manifest with expressing emotional exptremes before being able to learn to express the nuances or finer points or more subtle ranges.
  • at first the person may express too much or Chanel expression into one single emotion eg. Anger, tears
  • Gradual gaining ability to appropriately express the full range of emotions takes time, experience, practice.


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