
It is the reminder

how we come back together

after the time apart


dragged down into every day life.

The impromptu tea

the long deep conversation

that weaves through it all

brings us back around to


we stay

orbiting one another

fight to come back around

come back onto the same page

that understanding.

The deep and vast kind that connects us

grounds us

changes life perspective

makes it all ok.

Watering a garden I have established over the last decade

letting go

smiling at the sun as it begins to rain.

Connect with the mechanic coming to help me

flat tire

As he realizes the company sent him the incorrect address

land he is a half hour away….


thank him

chat about all sorts of general life

as he sorts it for me

feel touched when the perks of this auto club mean the service cost is covered.

Drive out

get my last errand of the evening sorted too

grateful there are more crates than I expected

packing, stacking and planning to move em out.

Wander back through the village

in the sunshine again

after dropping the key in the drop box for the auto repair

to find in the morning

call a friend on the walk home

find I just missed them and a ride home

laughing, enjoying the walk

grab a tea as a treat

empowered by solving the problems that once would have left me


Walk along the beach

something I have not done in months

used to do so daily for years.

Get home to sort some more

another friend reaching out just when I needed it

unexpected too…

let go

give in to

what will be micro living

and returning to the start

over a decade ago

when I chose

a rental for the house with backyard

the freedom that brought

this time smaller space still

more money than I wanted to spend all over again

knowing it is the little things that are big things

that I have gravitated back to

what I had or have sort of all over again…

soothing beach walks

and wandering through the village

as I used to do years before

life and work wrapped me up,

dragged me down.


it will box me in

Surrounded by other suites on all sides.

perhaps it will be the unexpected drain

each previous rental with a schizophrenic

having full out fights with themselves echoing through the walls…

hoping it will be


Hoping there will be garden space built for me

like there was here

because it interested me.

Perhaps there can be

all anew

human connections

and some sort of

getting along with the house tenants.

Time will tell.

For this evening

it is unexpected summer rain.

for this evening it is peace

And the endorphin high that lingers.

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