Learning positive social interactions

How could you enhance your relationships at work?

Smile more
Ask my colleagues about their day, their weekend, remember facts about them to help me better connect and show genuine caring and interested so that my relationships are stronger, my interactions more positive. This way people are more helpful and supportive of me and will assist me in learning more so that patents receive better care.
I need to toss away old assumptions that others do not like me, judge me and will go out of their way to hurt me.
I need to learn that people do honestly wish to put their best foot forward, be kind and supportive and helpful.
I need to come out of my walls up hurt shell and learn that because in another time interactions with humans was hurtful and nasty, that this is not the norm and not the case at present.
I need to remember to greet others with openness and positivity rather than old self protective habits of guardedness and suspicion of their motives when they act nicely or kindly.
Healing takes time.
For now I need to constantly remember to greet everyone with warmth, optimism and a smile and hope for the best

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