
Anxiety has me

avoiding people and situations 

it has me losing my temper when there is no reason to 

e quite so angry.

It has me walking away

from people while they are talking to avoid what makes me anxious 

it has made me feel as though

I am not good enough,

Look to the rare small flaws

and discount or write off all that went so well.

Anxiety has found me

avoiding people assuming they don’t like me

it has me avoiding eye contact

isolating me from people who otherwise might have been supportive.

It has reminded me that as work


more challenging.

As I assumed more and more responsibility 

I become more anxious

and stressed

which led to isolating everyone from me

As I rushed, 

failed to make eye contact

tried to avoid yet more responsibilities 

more demands placed upon me.

Now is time to become aware,

to figure out what makes me stressed

what makes me anxious 

and find new ways to handle it, deal with it

situations and people

that are healthy 

Anxiety is a normal reaction to stress and can be beneficial in some situations. It can alert us to dangers and help us prepare and pay attention. Anxiety disorders differ from normal feelings of nervousness or anxiousness and involve excessive fear or anxiety.